
Zainab Rzaij Mohammed

Asst lec

Zainab Rzaij Mohammed

Asst. Lec. Zainab Rzaig Mohammed

Msc Mathematical  of Sciences ,University of Baghdad ,2018
Bsc. Mathematical  of Sciences ,University of Baghdad ,2016



  • Asst. Lec.


    • Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, University of Baghdad, 2016

       Master of Science in Mathematics, University of Baghdad, 2018

Research Interests




    Calculus (Tetorial)

    Ordinary differential equations (Tetorial)

    Partial differential equations (Tetorial)

Most recent publication


1-Zainab rzaij mohammed and Sahira mahmmod yaseen, on small (T-extending) Module , Journal of Physics Conference Series , 1530(1), 012059, 2020.

2- Zainab rzaij mohammed and Sahira mahmmod yaseen, on small (T-Complment) submodules, Iraqi Journal of Sciences , 838-844, 2020.