
Mayssaa Ali Al-Bidry

Asst. Prof.

Dr. Mayssaa Ali Al-Bidry

Dr. Mayssaa Ali Al-Bidry graduated from the University of Baghdad with a Bachelor’s degree in earth sciences. Moreover, she received a Master’s degree in geochemistry and a Doctoral degree in Geochemistry (economic ores). She is one of the staff of the petroleum technology department at University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq. She supervised M.Sc. theses and published many papers (including Scopus and Clarivate Journals). She is a Referee for Scientific Papers for the Purpose of Publication in national and international conferences and journals. Her Research Interests are: Geochemistry, economic ores, metamorphic rocks, applied clay minerals



  • Professor


  • B.Sc. on Geology Science. University of Baghdad

    – M.Sc. on Geochemistry- Environment (2004).

    – Ph.D. on Geochemistry – Economic Ores (2011).

  •                                                                                                                    Research Interests

    Economic Geology.

    – Geochemistry

    – Applied Clay Minerals

    – Drilling Mud

    – Environment

    – Geotextile and Geomembrane

  • Teaching

  • Undergraduate:

    Engineering Application, Advance mathematic, Engineering Drawing , Die casting training course.


Most recent publications

  • Industrial Waste – Water Treatment By Natural Filter Aids. Mayssaa A. Al- Birdy, Khaldoun S. Al- Bassam and Arwa Sh. Taka . Digital Proceeding Of The ICOEST’ 2013, Cappadocia C.Ozdemir, S. Şahinkaya, E. Kalıpcı, M.K. Oden (editors) Nevsehir, Turkey, June 18 – 21, 2013 (conferencie). 2- Paragenesis and geochornological studies of Asnawa Iron Ore by the isotope and mineral chemistry in Penjween Area, Zagros Suture Zone Kurdistan Region, NE Iraq. Kamal H. Karim, Nabaz R.H. Aziz, Mayssaa A. A.A Al-Bidary. Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences 7 (2015) /164-178. 3- Anti Spill of Compacted Iraqi Bentonite by Using Different Iraqi Crude Oil. Mayssaa Ali AL-Bidry¬¬¬¬¬¬, Ramzy S. Hamied, Ghassan Raja. Emirates Journal for Engineering Research, 22 (2), 11-16 (2017). 4- Study the Effect of Corrosion on the Pipes of Oil Well Production. Ramzy. S. Hamied, Mohammad. A. Alhassan , Mayssaa. A. AL-Bidry. Fourth Iraq Oil and Gas Conference (4TH IOGC) 2017. Baghdad-Iraq. 5- Geotextile By Using Nano Natural Material For Iraqi Crude Oil. Ramzy. S. Hamied, Mayssaa. Ali AL-Bidry, Hawwraa A., Raghad A, Marwa. S. The 6th International Scientific Conference for Nanotechnology, Advanced Materials and Their Applications ICNAMA 2018. University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq. 6- Experimental Study on Tanuma Shale Stability Using Drilling Fluids with Different Additives. Khalid Mohammed, Asawer A. Alwassiti and Mayssaa Ali. The 1st International Conference of Petroleum Technology and Petrochemicals. April 2019 . IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 579 (2019) 012002 .doi:10.1088/1757-899X/579/1/012002. 7- Activation Iraqi Bentonite for Using as Drilling Mud. Ahmed S. Ibrahim and Mayssaa A. Al-Bidry. The 1st International Conference of Petroleum Technology and Petrochemicals. April 2019. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 579 (2019) 012006. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/579/1/012006. 8- Study the Effect of Particle Sizes and Concentration on the Rheological Properties of Iraqi Bentonitefor Using as Drilling Fluids. Ahmed S. Ibrahim and Mayssaa A. Al-Bidry. Journal of Engineering (2020), Vol. 26(3): 65-76. 9- Activation and Enhancement of the Performance of Iraqi Ca-Bentonite for Using as Drilling Fluid in Iraqi Oil Fields. Ahmed S. Ibrahim and Mayssaa A. Al-Bidry. Iraqi Journal of Science (2020). 61(11). 10- Chemical and Thermal Investigation on Stability of Tanuma Formation Using Different Additives with Drilling Fluids. Khalid Mohammed, Asawer A. Al-Wasiti, Mayssaa Ali AL-Bidry. Journal of Engineering (2020) 26(5):82-94. DOI: 10.31026/j.eng.2020.05.06. 11- Experimental study of Zubair shale stability of east Baghdad oil field using different additives in water based mud. Asawer A. Alwassiti, Mayssaa Ali AL‑Bidry, Khalid Mohammed. Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2020) 10:1215–1225 12- Zagros Metamorphic Core Complex: Example from Bulfat Mountain, Qala Diza Area, Kurdistan Region, Northeast Iraq. Kamal Haji Karim and Mayssaa Al-Bidry. Jordan Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences ( JJEES). 2020, 11 (2): 113-125.ISSN 1995-6681

– First award design day at University of Technology, through the Iraq University linkages program developed by IREX with the generous support of the U.S. Embassy in Iraq 2016.

– Award at Women day from President of University of Technology 2017.