
Jassim Mohammed Jaleel Al Said


Jassim Mohammed Jaleel Al Said

Jassim Mohammed Jaleel Al Said Naji. I earned my Bachelor degree in Petroleum Engineering from the Petroleum Technology Department at the University of Technology in 2016. I worked at my graduation department since 2016. Recently, in 2022, I completed my Master degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Baghdad, so, now I am an assistant lecturer at oil and gas engineering department, University of Technology, Iraq



  • Professor


  • – M.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering, University of Baghdad, Iraq, 2022.

    -B.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq, 2016.

Research Interests

  • Reservoir modeling , Production Engineering and well tests , Intelligent approaches , Geomecahnically modeling , Formation Evaluation.



  • 1- Partial Differential Equations Course for Second stage (undergraduate).

    2- Reservoir Petrophysics Course for Second Stage (undergraduate).

    3- Formation Evaluation lab for Third stage (undergraduate).

    4- Rock Petrophysics lab for Second stage (undergraduate).

    5- Reservoir Fluid lab for third stage (undergraduate).

    6- Integrated reservoir management course for fourth stage (undergraduate).

    7- Reservoir Simulation lab for fourth stage (undergraduate)

Most recent publications


    1. J.M. Al Said Naji, G.H. Abdul-Majeed, and A. K. Alhuraishawy, Intelligent Approach for Investigating Reservoir Heterogeneity Effect on Sonic Shear Wave, Journal of Petroleum Research and Studies 13 (1), 56-73. March, 2023.
    2. J.M. Al Said Naji, G.H. Abdul-Majeed, and A. K. Alhuraishawy, Comparison of Estimation Sonic Shear Wave Time Using Empirical Correlations and Artificial Neural Network, Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering 23 (4), 49-58, December, 2022.
    3. J.M. Al Said Naji, G.H. Abdul-Majeed, and A. K. Alhuraishawy, Prediction of Sonic Shear Wave Using Artificial Neural Network, The Iraqi Geological Journal, 152-164, November, 2022.
    4. J.M. Al Musawi, M.S. Al Jawad, Study of different geostatistical methods to model formation porosity (Cast study of Zubair formation in Luhais oil field), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 579 (1), 012031, 2019.


1-Numerous certificates for various courses and programming teachings.

2- Several acknowledgement official letters for different accomplishments (Minister, University Head, Department Head, SPE, etc.)