Ali Anwar Ali
Asst. lec.
Assistant lecturer Ali Anwar Ali completed his B.Sc. in 2013 on Petroleum Engineering from University of Kirkuk-Iraq. He started his work with the University of Technology as an assistant engineering at 2014. He completed his M.Sc. in 2019 on Petroleum Engineering from University of Technology-Iraq. He has published two papers in Iraqi journals. His research interests are in asphaltene problems in the oil industry, reservoir characterization, and petroleum production engineering studies
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Scopus Profile
- Professor
– M.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq, 2019.
-B.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering, University of Kirkuk, Kirkuk, Iraq, 2013.
Research Interests
– Flow assurance problems in the oil industry.
– Asphaltene problems in the oil industry.
-Composition modeling of reservoir fluid.
– Petroleum reservoir characterization studies.
-Petroleum production engineering studies.
1- Engineering practice for first stage (undergraduate).
2- Reservoir petrophysics for second stage (undergraduate).
3- Reservoir fluid for third stage (undergraduate).
4- Natural gas engineering for fourth stage (undergraduate).
5- Reservoir simulation for fourth stage (undergraduate).
Most recent publications
1- Ali, A.A., Al-Jawad, M. S., and Ali, A. “Asphaltene Stability of Some Iraqi Dead Crude oils”, Journal of Engineering, No. 3, Vol. 25, Iraq, March, 2019.
2- Ali, A.A., Al-Jawad, M. S., and Ali, A. “Asphaltene Precipitation Modeling of Sadi Formation in Halfaya Iraqi Oil Field”, Journal of Engineering, No. 8, Vol. 25, Iraq, August, 2019.
1- Certificate of participation from phi Science Institute for attending both days of Phi Research and Innovation Summit 2019 in Jordan.
– 2- Certificate of participation in the workshop (The Role of the Universities in the Activities and Events of the Department of Scientific Care) established by the Iraqi Ministry of Youth and Sports in Erbil for the period 25-27 / January / 2019.
-3- Many certificates of appreciation for participating in conferences and seminars at University of Technology/Petroleum Technology Department.