Ameen Kareem Salih
Asst. Lect.
Ameen Kareem Salih, an assistant lecturer, earned his Bachelor’s degree in Petroleum Engineering from the Petroleum Technology Department at the University of Technology in 2016. In 2016, he began working as an assistant engineer at the same university. Recently, in 2022, he completed his Master’s degree in Petroleum Engineering from the University of Baghdad.
- Asst. Lect.
– M.Sc. in Petroleum Science, University of Baghdad, Iraq, 2022.
-B.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq, 2016.
Research Interests
Artificial intelligent research , Drilling mud research , Drilling engineering research , Reservoir model research .
-Salih, A.K., Abdul Hussein, H.A. and Hamza, S.H. (2023) ‘Artificial neural networks to predict lost circulation zones at southern Iraq oilfield’, Journal of Petroleum Research and Studies, 13(1), pp. 16–31. doi:
-Salih, A. and Abdul Hussein, H. (2022) “Lost circulation prediction using decision tree, random forest, and extra trees algorithms for an Iraqi oil field,” Iraqi Geological Journal, 55(2E), pp. 111–127. Available at:
-Salih, A. and Abdul Hussein, H.A. (2022) “Artificial intelligent models for detection and prediction of lost circulation events: A Review,” Iraqi Journal of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, 23(4), pp. 81–90. Available at:
-Faraj, A.K., Salih, A.K., Abdul Hussein, H.A, and Ali Nahi Abed AlHasnawi, A.N, (2023). Variation of Total Stresses During Field Operation Using Finite Element Technique, Zubair Oil Field.. Iraqi Journal of Oil and Gas Research (IJOGR), 3(1), 25-42. doi: